Friday 15 February 2013

Colors make me happy!

In interior design I love the happy mix of everything. So, in my home I make a mixture of new and old. White and colors. I can't get enough of pastel colors and colors in general, they make me happy. I love the color white as a basis. The pure "scandinavian" style is always fresh looking and when adding some rustic&romantic details it just makes the room personal and shabby chic but not too shabby. Pretty clear right? Haha!

^ Got this pink babe for our babe for her 1st birthday. Isn't it cool? Bought it from a Finnish toystore in the internet, I got fast and good service and a super quick delivery. The car is just an apple for the eye, a beauty! This mama is really happy! And Little Miss Sunshine likes it too, so win-win.

Ok, I'm off to plan the weekend and tonights dinner. If we are home on fridays (which we usually are) so just to make life easier we have started to eat  the same "menu" on fridays; either tortillas, home-made or order-pizza, sushi, indian food etc. It's really comfortable and makes friday night nice and relaxing. 
Fredagsmys alltså. 
I think tonight it'll be pizza from the nearest pizzeria and some Pepsi Max to quench the thirst, a glass of some deep and velvety red wine to nourish the soul and afterwards Lidl's perfect and simple chocolate ice-cream. John Mayer could take care of the music, I think I need soft tones tonight. Then a little sofa-time and enjoying the feeling of having the whole weekend in front of us.

I wish you a nice friday, ciao for now!


All photos in this post are my own, do not copy without permission.

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